Saturday, December 8, 2007

Almost time!!

So, I went back to the doctor on friday, and my blood pressure was 172\ doctor immediately freaked and sent across to the hospital. So, now I'm laying in a hospital bed waiting to find out what they are going to do. They did a fetal monitoring exam on the baby, and my blood pressure doesn't seem to be affecting her growth, sometimes high blood pressure damages the placenta, causing the baby not to grow or get enough oxygen. So, good! We passed that. They are collecting my urine (gross) for 24 hours to check it for protein. They have already done blood tests to check my liver enzyme levels, platelettes, and some other things I didn't really understand. They have upped my blood pressure medicine twice to see if my body will respond to it. Dr. Hardie is hoping that he will be able to keep me pregnant another week or two, but at the absolute latest it will be the 28th!! Need to make sure her lungs are developed, but if the risks are higher to keep me pregnant then they are to deliver her, she will be here before then! Anyway, wish us luck and please pray for our little to develop her lungs as quickly as possible!!

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