Saturday, December 15, 2007

Our date is set....

So, followed up with the doctor on Tuesday, and the 28th is the day. We will be having a scheduled c section on the December 28th!! Woohooo....only 13 days away. That is, unless, my water breaks or we have any other complications between now and then. Which, I'm pretty sure we will be fine.....I'm not really that lucky. Plus, we need her to wait that long so we can make sure that her lungs are developed. We are so excited that she's almost here and are just counting down the days. It will be a nice relief to be able to hold her and not have to take anymore meds!! We are going back to the doctor on the 18th, and will be sure to post any new updates. Stay tuned, have a new pregnant pic, just need to download it. Merry Christmas everyone!!

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