Monday, April 21, 2008

16, already?

***What is this mom????***
***Hmmm...maybe its not so bad!***

***Keagan in her pretty blue skirt.***

***Keagan says, "I'm too cute to be your kid."***

***Daddy and his little angel! Look at her shoes!***

***My sweet little baby, she is so freakin cute!!***

***Whats up guys?? You like the doo-rag??***

***Sweetest smile in the world!***

***Starting young, she loves to play the lotto!***

***Rocking out with her guns-n-roses outfit!***

***The dog was really tired.***

***And so was my little Keaganbear.***

***Good morning Mommy and Daddy!***

***Her first little pair of jeans!***

***She really likes this outfit, and so does grandma!***

***Could she look any more like her daddy??***

***Maybe I can use this hand to get the other one in my mouth!!***

So, my little stinker is already 16 weeks old. She is getting so big and acting like a little person. Its so cute to just watch her watch things or people. She is absolutely fascinated with people watching. She only wants to be held facing out away from me so she can see what is going on around us. It is so funny! She is getting to be such a big girl! We had our first attempt at rice cereal and bananas this week! At first, you would of thought I put a lemon in her mouth, I guess it tasted sour to her! I'm guessing its just because she has never had anything else but breastmilk. But, after a few bites, she was absolutely loving it and making a mess out of it. We started her a little early with her doctors advice because she is getting up so often at night. Another big milestone, she no longer fits in her bassinet! We had to start using the playpin bassinet. I'm just not quite ready to put her in her big girl bed, mommy just can't let go just yet! Plus, I have managed to hurt my back somehow and can't really move or bend over to far to get her. So, having her close works out great. =) Anyways, we are also cutting teeth, blah. But a little orajel and teething ring seem to do the trick. Oh Oh Oh Oh, we heard her first real laugh on friday!!! It was by far the cutest sound I think I have ever heard in my life!! Daddy got to hear it for the first time on Sunday! I can't wait to catch it for every one to hear. Hope everyone has a great week!!

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