Friday, June 20, 2008

We have a roller.....

So just wanted to update everyone and post a few new pictures!! Keagan is officially a professional roller. She has been rolling back and forth for about 3 weeks now. But she just got to where she can also pull her arm out from under neath her belly. Its the cutest thing in the world. Sometimes, she gets to going so fast she does a couple of rolls!! My little stinker is growing up!! Also, she reached for me for the first time!! She stuck her little arms out and let out a little whimper and stared at me with the big baby heart just melted! I shed a little tear at the pure joy of it. Almost a half a year old, wow. Anyways, here are a few recent pics of the little toot and the big toot. We just had Farren's birthday party, so I will be putting up some pictures of that too soon!! Hope everyone has a great week!!
**********Hanging out with big sis!**********

***********This is the face of a angel.**********


**********Close up of those beautiful eyes!**********

*********Farren at the hospital for Baby Aumora!**********

**********Patiently waiting for baby Aumora!**********

**********All dressed up for a night on the town!**********

*********She wants to be a big girl sooooo bad.**********

**********Hey guys, aren't I cute??**********

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