Monday, August 25, 2008

What a great weekend, and Freda....

A little update on us.....We had an awesome time at the farm, and an awesome time while chris was on vacation. What a great week, there is no better feeling than seeing your family enjoy life, thats what its all about. It melts my heart. We did get a HOG!! Wooohooo!! We were right on about them coming around at night time. We got a spotlight so we would be able to see them. Its in the country and pretty much pitch black without a light. The blacknight and wild hogs cannot be good. So Chris heading up there to park the tractor about 8:45 while I put Keagan to sleep. He is really impatient and decided he would just walk back and get me after he had the tractor parked where he wanted it. So, around 9:15 he comes back and after getting the little stinker asleep we decide to head up there around 9:30. We get outside and I say "Wheres the light?" Chris, "What light, we don't need one." Me, "Yes we do, I'm not walking up there in the dark, I'm scared." Chris, in a loving voice (yeah right) "Baby, quit being a baby, come on." Me, "No baby, I'm not walking up there without a light." Chris, "Fine you big wuss, I'll get the flashlight." So, after getting the light we make our way up to the field. About half way up there we are talking and I am running the flashlight in every direction worried that a wild hog or deer or coyote or something is going to attack me. And as Chris is making fun of me, we hear a HUUUUGGGGEEEEE hog snort that sounded right next to us!! Oh my god, freak out time! Chris, "Baby shine the light in that direction, shine the damn light!" I shine the light in every direction and do not immediately see anything, so we proceed to haul ass to the tractor. Luckily, Chris had a gun with him "just in case." Ha, good thing I brought a flashlight. I and he would have totally freaked. After we got on the tractor he admitted, "I'm glad you brought the light, the hair on my arms was standing up." So much for me being a baby. I was terrified though. So, anywho....after sitting on the tractor for about 20 minutes we decide to shine the spotlight. And we see one pig, woohooo....oh wait there is like 5 or 6 over there...WOW, this is awesome I'm thinking. Then chris says, "Babe, shine the light down a little bit." And low and behold right behind the watermelon patch there was a pack, a herd, whatever you call them of hogs!! At least 30 to 40 of them. HOLY CRAP!!! We couldn't see them earlier because they were hidden in the tall grass of the watermelon patch. I steady the light and chris takes aim. He asked if i wanted to shoot because I was a better shot.=) But i figured I'd let him have this glorious moment. "No babe, go ahead." Bam, he shoots, and like roaches, the hogs start to scatter. We wait a few minutes to allow the hog to die and then drive the tractor up to where he shot. I shine the light, and no pig. We grab the flashlight and start pig. What?? Chris says, "I guess I missed," then i notice some blood on the ground. "Nope I don't think so," and point to the blood. He tracked the blood and out of nowhere the pigs jumps up off the ground out of the patch. Chris ran back to the tractor to get the gun to shoot him again, and lost his shoe in the mud where they were rooting. Ha! The pig stumbled about 15 feet and fell back down. Chris got Freda in the tractor and we head back. We estimated Freda to be about 100 pounds, not bad. Although there were bigger ones. Mission accomplished. This was probably our highlight. We went back out the next two nights so I could get one, but we didn't see a single hog. Guess we scared them away for a while. Oh well, it was so nice to get away. We had a great week at the farm. Farren had a fun weekend before school and Keagan just loves everything about the farm. Here a few pics from our weekend.....

The happy hog hunters...
Our hog, Freda, after we loaded her up.
Poor Freda, in the pumpkin patch.
Farren was excited and couldn't wait to see Freda!
Keagan enjoying her farm bath in the sink!!
Chris setting up for target practice!!
HIs shots went somewhere here....
see the sand pit in the in front of the trees on the right hand side??
My two shots from about 250 yards, yes yards, away, left and right sides!!!
Daddy and Keagan on a tractor ride, we must of taken her on atleast 20!!
She loved it!!
Who's the boss now??
My two girls taking a ride! Farren loved it too!
Just hanging out at the farm, wishing for no school on monday.=)
Keagan trying to kick sister, can you tell Farren loves it?
Say cheesy lips!
She is sooo stinkin cute, I just love her! And the pretty little booger!
Hope everyone is having a good week!

1 comment:

Brandy said...

Hey great pics and Congrats on the Hog. Lee has been trying to get one at his parents property for a couple of years now. I guess we just need to plant a watermelon patch out there. I will talk to you soon.
