Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Pregnant for another week....

I had two appointments yesterday and everything looked pretty good. BP was 140ish/90ish at both places. Not to I will thankfully be pregnant for at least another week. I go back to the specialist on Friday, so if all goes well then, we will make it to 32 weeks. Another week down, and only a few left. Thank you lord!! I am feeling pretty confident that with medicine, bedrest, and no stress, that I will make it to 34 weeks. This really eases my mind because I DO not want to have to leave my baby at the hospital, I want to take him home with me. So, whatever we need to do or however long we need to stay pregnant is fine with me to make that happen. The steriod shots are definitely helping...I can tell that he has grown. I feel like I can barely breathe sometimes because he is taking up sooo much room! We are almost completely ready for him to come though. The more we get done, the more excited and anxious I am getting! I just can't wait to hold the little stinker in my arms!! We are going to be praying that he is able to stay inside and grow a little longer. Grow Deakon Grow!!

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