Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sick, Sick, Sick...

Deakon woke up last Saturday extremely snotty and with a small cough, so come Monday morning we were off to the doctor office. The doctor told us that he had an upper respiratory infection, but since he was under 6 months (by 2 weeks), we could not give him anything and it would have to pass on its own. She did give me some ear drops for him because she said his little ear was red, not infected, just irritated. We had our follow up appointment today and little man just isn't getting any better. He did however gain 6 ounces since last week and grow 1/2 inch......or maybe someone measured wrong. =) She finally decided to give him some medicine for his cough and congestion. The poor thing is hacking up flem and choking on it while he is SCARY! So, hopefully, we will be on the road to recovery. Why does it seem like as soon as you get one kid better, the next one gets sick????

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