So much fun....we took the girls and grandparents to Boo at the Zoo!! This was the first time I have been since I was probably twelve, and it was OHHH sooooo fun!! There were treat stations, clowns, pumpkins, graveyards, animals, and all kinds of goodies...and the girls loved it!! I would highly suggest making a trip next year if you can, its so worth it! A few pics from our little adventure. Next year though, we will know to dress up!!
Entrance to the Zoo!!
What?? Its Halloween!!!
Totally pumped for the event, getting there "Treat bags" and "Treat tickets"!
My beautiful little familia!!
The Silverback showing off his silver......
Me and my spoooooookkkkkyyyyyy girls....=)
Some of the elephants....Farrens favorite!!
Had a better pic of the giraffes...but some little kid scared them and they were running away!
Daddy and his little angelbaby!
Mommy and her little star!!
Checking out the fishies with a great far her favorite!! You can throw fish food out for them!
The only clown she liked!!
Would of been a great family photo op...but miss keaganbutt really wanted to see the pumpkin graveyard!!
Just chillin' on the pumpkin mom....Whats up?
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