Sunday, October 5, 2008

one year ago today....

I married the perfect husband. One year ago today, I exchanged words, promises, rings, and hearts with the man I love. It has been one of the best years of my life and I cannot wait for many more to come! Chris has brought me so much happiness and joy after a time I wasn't sure it was possible. And he has given me a beautiful baby girl and filled the role as step dad. We celebrated our anniversary by swapping presents first! I got Chris the samsung instinct, the phone he's been wanting for a while. His blackberry has basically just petered out on him. He has been glued to the thing since he opened it.=) as for tradition of paper...I also made him a beautiful vase with 365 pieces of blue paper, one for each day that we have been married. Each piece has a memory, a date, or a saying to remind him of our relationship. Topped off with a pretty ribbon around it! He can draw a piece of paper everyday for the next year to remind him how much I love him. as for me...he really outdid himself! He surprised me with a day at the spa! A much needed mommy break as he said! It was the works...full body massage, facial, scalp massage, spa pedicure, manicure, lunch, deep hair conditioning, haircut and style, and a make up refresher! And it was absolutely amazing!I felt wonderful when I stepped out that door..a new woman. We originally decided to have dinner at del friscos, one of our favorite steak places, but the day off...changed our minds and decided to cook at home and have a movie night in. More our style...and it was amazing. All in all. It has been a great year and an even better anniversary! I love you baby and can't wait for many more to come!


Brandy said...

Congrats on your 1 year, I am so glad that you have finally found the happiness that you have always deserved. I am glad everything is going wonderfull.

Love you guys,

Betty said...

Wow, I can't believe it has been a year already.

I am so new to this blogger stuff, I really need to make it a habit of updating my page on a regular basis.

Tell Brad Pitt I said what's up (with a wink). haha