Friday, December 12, 2008

A few updates....

So... Farren's first practice is going to be next week for basketball and we are getting really excited! I got talked in to coaching this I and Ron Franklin(you may remember him as your choir teacher at Boswell) will be heading up the girls this year. I can't wait to see how this turns out.=) Farren and Don's daughter are in school together and they are so excited. I'm glad she is getting excited about playing. I can't wait to watch and coach her!
On another note...keagan has started playing peek a boo behind, around, and underneath anything that she can hide....and it is soooo stinkin cute. She says "hi" until you repeat it back. So please say HI back to my sweet baby. And when you ask her to show her teeth...she snarls her face up and grins really big so you can see her little teefies! It is soooo cute!! She is standing on her own, we are just waiting for her to take a step....its only a matter of time. And a funny thing, she has discovered her tongue. She wants to lick everything...ewww!! And she tries to play with mine and daddys tongue!! She is getting so big!!
Mommy and her basketball star!!
Me and the my little star!
Where is Keagan???
Behind mema's legs!!

Hope everyone had a great week!

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