Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Delayed Thanksgiving.....

I'm a slacker this week, so I know these are late. =) But oh well...what can I say. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I know we did and we definitely had much to give thanks for. Now we begin the countdown to my birthday, christmas, and then Miss Keagans 1st birthday!! How exciting....I can't flippin wait!!! Although, I am really really sad they we aren't putting a tree up this year. =( We are in a smaller rent house until our house is finished being built, and well...we just don't have enough room. We did already decorate the outside though...a couple of weeks ago. So, I guess that will just have to do.
Have a fantabulous week...Its almost christmas!!
The coolest toy in the stomp on it and it plays.
Ahhhhh....sibling love!!
Two of my babies...aren't they precious??
They were having a blast....I promise. =)
My purty niece Saige....
My sister in law, my niece, and muaaahh!
Aumora saying.."What are you looking at Willis?"
The Gang 2008...
To much turkey....more sleeping from daddy. =)
Actually, he stayed up all night smoking the was delish!!
My see-ster Audra and my cousin Keith....
Getting the tree ready....
Hard at work....they make a great team.
Rock on CHRIStmas!!!
Rock on....!!!
Its a group effort.....really. Can't you tell?
The finished look......
with mema's and papa's presents....
With our presents.....I'm almost done.=)

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