Monday, March 30, 2009

15 months....

Keagan had her 15 month check up, how the time flies by. I cannot even begin to explain to you how quickly the last couple of months have gone by. Anyway, she weighed in at 20 pounds and 2 ounces....a little less then what she was at 12 months. But the doctor attributes it to the fact that she pretty much runs everywhere. She is a busy little bee, that child of mine. She is all over the place, in to everything, standing and climbing on anything she possibly can, and ofcourse running! So, needless to say, she has lost some baby weight. She is 30 1/2 inches tall. She is apparently a little on the small size for her age, but perfect. =)
Some things going on with her right now are......
Her knew favorite movie is madagascar 2, and we watch it at least 1 or 2 times a day. She has started saying "gone gone" when her drink or food is gone. She is following small commands, like get that or get this, or bring this to mommy, handing us her cup if she is thirsty. Her new love is grapes!! She has a bag on the lower shelf of our fridge so she can help herself. She has almost ate the whole bag alone! Dancing is by far still her favorite. She dances in the car when she hears a song she likes, to the music on her movies, to our ring tones on our phones...and its usually a booty shaking dance move. She knows where our eyes, nose, teeth, and ears are and will point to them when asked. She has picked up a new shyness around strangers...and buries her head in my shoulder while shooting up glances at them. She is starting to test our patience!! When she is told not to do something, she will look at us right before doing it again to see what we will do. She knows how to turn her movie on and the volume. She knows what her pockets are for, and is putting stuff in there off of daddy's nightstand. She can say and show the number one with her hand. She loves to point at stuff and say "Whats that?"
I think thats enough for now. She is such a little stinkin joy.
Happy 15 months little booger!!!

1 comment:

Betty said...

She's too cute! I am so ready for my li'l girl.