Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh sweet life....

I just wanted to write a quick blog about both of my babys! I am amazed by the bond that i see developing between two sisters. After the hint of jealousy passed, Farren has really taken a liking to being big sis! Last night we went to pick up chris's brother's kids and Farren fed Keagan her first bottle! It was the cutest tghing i've ever seen. With all her grunts and moans, Farren was laughing the whole trip down there and just couldn't get enough. Chris drives like a natural maniac, and when i looked back to check on them, Farren was holding on to Keagan's head like a little mama to make sure it didn't bobble around!! How sweet!! I love it and I can't wait to see them as they get bigger and closer!! On a different note, we found out that Farren and Keagan will soon be having a little cousin to play with from Aunt Wendi and its going to be a GIRL! Yeah, I can't for her to be here. She is due the beginning of June, around Farren's birthday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keagan is adorable!! I need to come by and see her in person! Farren and Keagan are ten years apart just like me and my sister, and I remember trying to play "mom" to her too! That's funny, I think little girls just have the instinct to nurture. Can't wait to see the girls!!

Leah N.