Friday, January 4, 2008

She's here!!

Our little girl is finally here and all four of us are doing great!! We went to the hospital Friday morning around noon to get checked in and ready to go. The whole time Chris is telling me he's not nervous and he's not going to get nervous....right. Surgery, a new baby, becoming a dad, seeing your baby for the first time, and seeing your wife on the operating table...nothing to be nervous about. We were scheduled for surgery at 2:15, but it got delayed by about 45 minutes. Around 2:00 I think is when Chris started to freak out, it was kind of cute! Anyway, they took me back first by myself to give me my spinal and put my cathedar in. On the second attempt, yes second, the first hit a vein, they got my spinal right. Very painful. And about 3:00 they brought Chris in to see me. His eyes are very wide and his hands were shaking with fear. But he did an awesome job talking to me and comforting me when they started cutting away. At 3:09, Dr. Hardie asked if Chris wanted to watch them take her out, so he stood up and that minute they pulled Keagan out. Dr. Hardie told me to look to my left and I saw my little girl for the first time. She let out a huge cry for the first time, where as Chris and I did too. It was golden, the best sound in the world. They quickly wisked her away to clean her up, but allowed Chris to take pictures of her. Then he was able to bring her over to me while they were sewing me up. We got our first good look at our little chunker!! She weighed 7 pounds 7 1\2 ounces and was 18 3\4 inches long!! Pretty big for being early. She did have a little trouble breathing, so she had to go to the Neonatal ICU for about an hour and half for observation because she was grunting. Normal for babies who are born a little early. But our little angel was brought back down and has been doing great ever since!! With a little persuasion we were able to go home on Sunday afternoon, there really isn't much they can do for you at that point but they still try to keep you. Thank god, every bone in Chris's body was hurting from the so called 'bed' he was getting to sleep on. She is definitely an angel and our family has been blessed. We are a complete foursome now!!

1 comment:

vanessa aleji said...

She is beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more pics and reading about her as she grows and grows. Congratulations to you and your happy family.