Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ear infection land....

Yuck....this is where we are living. So, for the last couple of weeks, Keagan has been running a low grade fever. Well, last week her top two baby molars broke through, so I thought maybe that was what was causing the fever. But the fever continued. Her bottom gums are really swollen too, so maybe that is causing it I think to myself. But, after finding some ball of waxy stuff in her ear, I decided to call the doctor fearing that she may have an ear infection. They tell if she doesn't have a fever over 101, then its probably her teeth. Great, her fever has not been over 101 at this point. Well, for the last week, I have been having a REALLY hard time getting her to sleep. And once she is asleep, she is waking up at 3 or 4 in the morning and just wants me to hold her. Every time I make the move to lay her down, she would scream bloody murder. Well, last night she was up till 11:30 and up from 3:30 to 6:00. Just not being herself. So....I talk to Chris and we decide to take her in today anyway, just to check. Well, low and behold we get to the doctor and she proceeds to tell me she has NASTY NASTY ear infection and asks how long this has been going on. I tell her I called last week about it and what the nurse told me, and she was infuriated. She obviously has an ear infection, but her fever was 97.5. Not over the magic 101 mark. Crazy people. Who made up the rule that you have to have a fever to have an ear infection???? Well, its not true. Anywho, so they gave her zithromax for the next five days. So, hopefully we are on the way to recovery and some SLEEP!! Hopefully.....

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