Friday, April 10, 2009


It's still a boy!! Woohoo!! I had this horrible dream that we went in for our appointment today and they said, "Acutally, is a girl!" I would of died.....goodness. My appointment went well today, I did gain 7 nelly! My doctor said the baby finally showed up. =) I can tell too, my stomach is pooching out way more than a couple of weeks ago. My blood pressure is suprisingly well, he was worried because this is about the time I started having problems with Keagan for blood pressure. Anyway, everything looks good so far. And I am keeping my fingers crossed that it goes that way.

Some of you may know, but for those who don't, I sprained my tailbone a few days ago, and OH MY GOD....this is the most painful thing I have ever felt. You can't stand up, move while sitting, roll over, sleep, walk, pick up anything, or even move really without pain shooting through you lower back down your legs causing your knees to buckle. Anyways, I am on muscle relaxers and pain medicine, and I am slowly but surely getting better. And I never wish this upon anyone!!!

Also, we went and got Keagan's picture taken today. I ordered one picture, yes you read that right. ONE. She was terrified of the picture lady and any time she got close to her to try to get her to smile, she cried worse. It was horrible. So we bought the 7.99 picture package for one pose. I was not about to spend alot of money on crappy pictures. Anyway, I will post belly pictures and new sonogram pictures tomorrow.

She will say cheese for her mama though....maybe I should do a photo shoot????



Looking sweet and innocent....

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