Saturday, May 9, 2009

25 weeks....

How your baby's growingHead to heels, your baby now measures about 13 1/2 inches. Her weight — a pound and a half — isn't much more than an average rutabaga, but she's beginning to exchange her long, lean look for some baby fat. As she does, her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and she'll start to look more and more like a newborn. She's also growing more hair — and if you could see it, you'd now be able to discern its color and texture.

Update: We have had a pretty busy week, hence, the lack of posts since last saturday. Chris has been studying every night for his electrician license. And we have all been quizzing him and trying to help him study. So, this has been our main focus all week. Please keep your fingers crossed for his test.

I went to the doctor on friday for my check up, and it seems like the all to familiar symptons of my last two pregnancies are creeping in on me. My blood pressure was slightly elevated, 138/88, not to bad but it seems to be heading in an upward trend. I had traces of protein in my urine....argggghhhhh. And I am already starting to retain water. Which I have noticed in my hands, feet, and face. All leading toward the ever dreaded Pre-eclampsia that I had with Keagan and Farren. My doctor compared my charts with my pregnancy with Keagan, and although it is heading that direction, its not getting there as fast as last time. He put me on bedrest two weeks from now with her. So, I go back in two weeks to have my urine and blood pressure checked again. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed until then.

We are going on a fishing trip next weekend to Port Aransas, and I'm super excited to get away for the weekend. A little upset that I cannot actually fish in the deep sea fishing, but glad to be along for the ride!!! I am however having a really hard time dealing with the fact that we are going to be away from Keagan for the weekend. It is an adult only trip. And well, my Keaganbear has never been away from us. I have been teetering back and forth on just taking her with me. But my lovely husband keeps assuring me that after almost 17 months and a new baby on the way, we deserve a short break and to sleep in for a day together!!!! Ha...maybe for him, this momma gets up about 3 times a night to go potty!! Anywho, we will see what happens when next weekend gets here. If she stays she will be in good hands with both her mema and grannie, and they will be staying at our house so that she is in familiar territory. Its just really hard imagining not being with her for a couple of days.

Also, Farren's 12th birthday is coming up! Oh my god, I am getting soooooo freakin old. So, we are in the process of getting her party planned and redoing her room for her! I'm so excited, she has picked out some bedding and bedroom stuff that has a little more "girl flare" to it! Mommy likey!! She isn't one for much girlie stuff so this makes me very happy. =)

Hope everyone is having a great week.

************************ Isnt' that a sweet face!!

Keagan sneaking a peek at the tv during study time!!


1 comment:

HMitch said...

OMG! Kaelyn has the same outfit that Keagan's wearing in the last couple of photos. We must shop at a lot of the same places ;)