Thursday, May 28, 2009

Keagan Jade is 17 months...

Keagan Jade....
Mommy's little helper....
Waiting patiently for baby Boldin....
Playing with daddy outside....
Cheesin for the camera!!
My stinker is 17 months old. Already. Wow. I can't believe how much time has past since I first held her. She is growing like a weed mentally and physically. We went back to the doctor today for a check up to make sure her ear infection was gone and she weighed 21 pounds and was 30 1/2 inches tall! She is big and little all at the same time. Her new favorite breakfast food is oatmeal, but she still loves waffles, cereal, toast, bagels, eggs, and pop tarts too. She really really likes chicken, diced up carrots, corn, peas, noodles, spaghetti, ramen noodles, hamburger helper, potatoes, and mac and cheese for dinner time. Her new favorite word is "thank you" and I could listen to her say this all day long. She says it when she hands you something or when somethign is done for her or she does something for you. It is the cutest thing in the world! Some of her other favorite words are ming ming, duck, oh yeah, yes, no, bye bye, momma, dada, meme, drink, bite, night night, tee tee, and uh uh. She is so funny and sweet all the at the same time. She can sign and tell you what she wants or show you if she needs to. She understands small commands and will retrieve items you ask her to get. She now has two blankies....hers and one that was suppose to be for her brother. But, she has taken it over. =) She loves Finding Nemo, and Monstes Inc., and could watch them all day over and over. She loves bath time and takes them by herself, with mommy, and with daddy. We catch her climbing in the tub every time we get ready to take a shower. She loves to have her toenails painted. They are blue with white flowers right now....just like mommys. She goes to bed on her own and chooses if she wants mommy or daddy to put her to bed at night. She is sleeping about 11 hours at night and about 2 1/2 hours during the day. She loves to cheese for the camera....hence, the last picture. She loves to help with laundry, and will pull things out for me one at a time. I could ramble on I will just say that she is sucha a good baby and so much fun and joy to be around. We love you little stinker!!

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